On Pandemics

Recap: Drunk Dude just told the pirate, God sleeps with his eyes open 👀


Drunk Pirate: Arr, he sleeps with iz peepers open? An’ every scallywag knows this about the lord?

Drunk Dude paused before answering. Thinking deeply. “Okay not everyone. Some don’t want to believe that.”

Drunk Pirate: Why be that, matey? If I spy the lord be snoozin’ with his peepers wide open, then we must reckon it be true. Why don’t they?

Drunk Dude sighed, exasperated.

“Like I said, my dude. They just don’t wanna. Simple.”

Drunk Pirate up ended the last of his rum into his mouth and shoved the bottle at the drunk dude.

“Look at this, matey. Vanished. Ye see it’s vanished. Now why won’t ye believe it, when ye can lay yer eyes on it?”

“U tell em’ dude. Everywhere round the world, it’s the same.” Drunk Dude slurred. “You know who’s to blame right?”

Drunk Pirate: No, I don’t, matey. Who be spreading these lies?

“The preachers with colorful dresses” Drunk Dude spat out.

Drunk Pirate: Why colors, me hearty?

Drunk Dude: Marketing, obviously.


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